Disclaimer: I am NOT Tom Plant, I'm just a fan of his. Anything posted on this site is my opinion and NOT Tom's. I wish I was him cuz that probably means I'd have gotten to shack up with Liza...
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Tom and Liza on BBCanadaInsider LIVE! Episode II - Attack of the Hamsters
Friday, March 29, 2013
Tom, Liza, and BB14 Winner Ian Terry on BBCanadaInsider LIVE!
5 Things to Do While the Feeds Are Down
Well, the feeds are down and there's nothing we can do about it short of armed insurrection so I decided as a public service I'd give all you big brother fans some suggestions on stuff to do while we wait for Sunday's episode.
#1 Rewatch the episodes.
No, I don't work for Slice, but if any of you wanted to re-watch any of the previous episodes you can do so on Youtube... God bless Youtube!
#1 Rewatch the episodes.
No, I don't work for Slice, but if any of you wanted to re-watch any of the previous episodes you can do so on Youtube... God bless Youtube!
#2 Rewatch the episodes of After Dark.
I rewatched the first episode just to relive what it was like when the house was much more full than it is now. It might be nice to take some time to see how we got to where we are now. Once again Youtube saves the day.
#3 Make Bacon Gravy
Ok, this one doesn't have anything to do with Big Brother I just thought it would be fun,
#4 Check out Rob Has a Podcast's Big Brother Canada episodes
For those of you who haven't listened RHAP is a great reality TV podcast done by former Survivor castaway Rob Cesternino.
#5 Explore Tom Plant Rules!
Ok, a little shameless self promotion never hurt anyone right? :D For those of you who've never been here before or have but only to check out a single post there is a lot going on here. Though TPR is first and foremost a Tom fan blog I do post about other Big Brother topics as well, and as Tom's eviction moves further into the past it'll become even more a BBCentric blog. Check out the tags to the right to read what I've said about your favorite houseguest, or have a laugh with my Big Brother Canada on Facebook series. Like us on Facebook and share your favorite posts with your friends. And each post has a comment section so feel free to agree with me or to let me have it!
Topaz is the New HoH
So... Topaz won the HoH competition. Which makes me want to re-enact this Family Guy scene with Topaz's HoH reign playing the part of the Ipecac. (Warning, not for the squeamish!)
A Topaz HOH is pretty much a Gary HoH since she's essentially playing for him now. So expect whoever Gary wants on the block to be the nominees. That means most likely Andrew and AJ, although Gary's such a whiney bitch he's basically said he hates everyone in the house except Topaz, so it COULD be anyone. Now if Topaz really wanted to stir things up she could nominate Alec as Gary has said he's his #1 threat. But as much as I hate her I think she's smart enough to know she probably wouldn't have the votes to evict Alec, and if she was gonna put him up she'd have to be sure to get him out.
My view of the house is that there are two sides. Gary + Topaz and Alec + Peter + Emmett + Jillian with AJ, Talla and Andrew being the swing votes. Gary and Topaz would need to get all three of them to mount an attack on the other side, and Topaz is HoH this week (or the first part of this week because of this stupid fucking Twist) so that takes her out of the voting picture barring a 3-3 tie. If she did want to attack that side she'd have to nominate 2 people from among them to go on the block giving her side a 4-2 advantage.
The biggest danger in this is if one of them wins POV she'd end up with 2 former nominees staying in the house, however this risk can be minimized with Gary having the power to replace a POV player, probably with himself.
The safer play would be to pick the swing vote that is least likely to side with you and is the biggest threat, which in my opinion is Andrew, and make him the target. What she probably doesn't know however is that she doesn't have the votes to evict him. As I have no doubt the remaining members of Quattro and Jillian would vote to keep him, as would AJ which I'm sure she knows.
Following the boring week we just had this one should be far more interesting, and of course the feeds are off for 3 days so we're going to miss 43% of it.
Surprise! The Feeds are down AGAIN! |
As for the next Chevrolet PowerSHIT I expect this one to be even worse than the last if that's possible. There is speculation it could be fans VOTING OUT a houseguest. Jesus Christ why don't you just rename the show The Glass House Canada? (Hat tip to Dingo for teaching me about that show) I wish someone would make a version of Big Brother where there's no interference from the outside world. I mean I don't mind us voting for what drinks the houseguest get or whether they get a pool table or an air hockey table, (I voted for pool table, but alas this is Canada so anything hockey related will win) but stuff that directly interferes with the game itself cheapens it and the brand. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Comment below and let everyone know what you think of the twists this season. All opinions welcome, even Tom haters.
Tom on Edmonton's 91.7 The Bounce
Tom visited with 91.7 The Bounce on Thursday morning for an interview. One thing that came from this interview that I hadn't heard before was that there was actually a houseguest that tampered with one of the Big Brother cameras that caused the night of punishments and that it was Peter.
Tom has also changed his hope for the winner since he has seen that Emmett betrayed him, he's now hoping for AJ. I wouldn't be horrified if that happened, I like AJ... Why is it I like all the players everyone else hates? Tom, Liza, AJ. LOL.
Anyway, you can listen to the interview here, on their website or download the mp3. Enjoy. :)
Tom has also changed his hope for the winner since he has seen that Emmett betrayed him, he's now hoping for AJ. I wouldn't be horrified if that happened, I like AJ... Why is it I like all the players everyone else hates? Tom, Liza, AJ. LOL.
Anyway, you can listen to the interview here, on their website or download the mp3. Enjoy. :)
Thursday, March 28, 2013
I've Received the Ultimate Endorsement
As all of you know I'm the author of Big Brother Canada on Facebook, where I create Facebook chats featuring all the characters from Big Brother Canada and more.
Well, tonight I got the ultimate endorsement.
Well, tonight I got the ultimate endorsement.
I always said Tom had a great sense of humor, it's nice to know he can accept a little fun being poked at his expense, I think evidence like this pokes holes in the Tom is an arrogant asshole argument people seem to want to make.
If any of the other subjects of these chats ever read this please know it's all in good fun, and a lot of times I only create the characters based on what I see in public perception. For example, I personally don't view Liza's openness about her sexuality as a bad thing, in fact it's one of the things that turns me on the most about her, but the public reaction to her viewed it as a bad thing so in the chats she's a complete whore. And I certainly don't think Andrew is an alcoholic but the public like caricatures and I'm writing a Facebook chat for public consumption so I have to bend to their will.
There are times when I inject my own opinion into the cartoon, such as how I thought the Powershift was a shitty twist or how I think Dan Gheesling is better than Dr. Will but hey I'm the author so I can exercise artistic license.
Anyway, Thanks Tom, you made my day. And thanks for not being mad. lol. Hope you enjoy the rest of my chats just as much.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Wow Tom Fans, Way to Represent!
I was just over checking out Big Brother Nerds when I saw this poll, I of course voted for Tom but I'm used to seeing him at the bottom of these polls. Only when the results came up...
...I was pleasantly surprised. :D Way to go Tom fans, let the haters know they're wrong about old Tommy Boy!
A Valuable Prize is Won
No word on whether he'll be allowed to take one of the nominees or the reigning HoH out or if it will just be one of the randomly selected players. Apparently he told Suzette that if he were on the block he'd take the other block player off, which would be a dick move but hey this is Gary we're talking about here; the same guy that got taken off the block by Tom with an agreement to protect Tom for the next week and then smiled that shit eating grin when Tom was evicted. Can you guys tell I don't like Gary?
I think it would be hilarious if the next HoH put he and Topaz on the block, yeah let's see if you fuck with the other nominee then asshole.
Edit: According to BigBrotherDaily.com Gary told Suzette that he can take ANY player out of the POV competition, INCLUDING the HoH or one of the nominees... He's pretending to the other houseguests that he can only take off a randomly selected player. I hope that if the houseguests do decide to go after Gary this week they're smart enough to backdoor him, ESPECIALLY given this new power this week. I want to see that motherfucker GONE!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Tom Plant Rules is now on Facebook
As you can now see on the sidebar Tom Plant Rules is now on Facebook. Like us today and please share anything Tom or Big Brother related.
Tom's Power of Veto Tattoo
Tom and Liza went out together today to get the Tattoo they talked about their last night in the house. (I dunno if Liza got one too or just Tom)
It looks so badass now I want to get a tattoo...
Nice to see the leg hair is comin back Tom! :D |
Disqus Added to Tom Plant Rules
I've always been a big fan of Disqus, and when I learned you can change the default comments that come with Blogger to Disqus I was all over that like Topaz on the Sandman. (That's a 'she sleeps alot' joke for those of you who don't get it)
For those of you unfamiliar with how Disqus works it allows you to make comments on a multitude of websites using your existing social media accounts. So if you have a Twitter account or a Facebook account you just log in to it using that and there no need for an additional account to be created!
Disqus also allows other commenters to vote up or down other user's comments so the best comments will be show more prominently than those voted down.
For those of you unfamiliar with how Disqus works it allows you to make comments on a multitude of websites using your existing social media accounts. So if you have a Twitter account or a Facebook account you just log in to it using that and there no need for an additional account to be created!
Disqus also allows other commenters to vote up or down other user's comments so the best comments will be show more prominently than those voted down.
An example Disqus conversation
But, the bottom line is Disqus will make it easier for you to comment on the posts here. Enjoy! :)
Could Sunday's Twist Have Already Been Leaked?
Bigbrotherdaily.com is reporting that a screenshot of a possible Big Brother Canada twist may have been leaked shortly after Sunday's episode aired. Now, of course as an avid Photoshop (Now GIMP as I've switched to Ubuntu) user I know these types of things can often be fake, but if true it would represent the 3rd twist in the last 4 house weeks, leading me to wonder if perhaps Big Brother Canada is trying a little too hard. The game itself is exciting enough, adding in a bunch of stupid twists to make it more exciting is not necessary in my humble opinion.
I'm as confused as they are over what this could possibly mean, Double HOH? Which when I first heard all I could think of was that scene in The Simpsons where the school struck oil and they're getting suggestions on what to buy and Otto goes "You know those guitars that are like, Double guitars, you know?" How the fuck does that work? Do we have 2 nomination ceremonies for a total of 4 nominees? Does each HoH pick one? Who sleeps in the HoH room? Are they forced to spoon together even if they're not in a showmance? If both of them have to take a shit at the same time how do they decide who gets the HoH shitter, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock?
In any event I hope that somehow this twist leads to Gary and Topaz being evicted. Although I would love to see Topaz moping around for a week crying over her lost love, I'd settle for seeing her skanky ass given the Big Brother Canada boot.
Edit: Big Brother Nerds has mentioned that this same twist was used in the Big Brother All Stars year and at that time it consisted of two HoHs that have to agree on the nominees. If the two HoHs can't agree THEY become the nominees! Oh I hope Gary and Alec win and can't come to an agreement! Bahahaha.
I'm as confused as they are over what this could possibly mean, Double HOH? Which when I first heard all I could think of was that scene in The Simpsons where the school struck oil and they're getting suggestions on what to buy and Otto goes "You know those guitars that are like, Double guitars, you know?" How the fuck does that work? Do we have 2 nomination ceremonies for a total of 4 nominees? Does each HoH pick one? Who sleeps in the HoH room? Are they forced to spoon together even if they're not in a showmance? If both of them have to take a shit at the same time how do they decide who gets the HoH shitter, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock?
In any event I hope that somehow this twist leads to Gary and Topaz being evicted. Although I would love to see Topaz moping around for a week crying over her lost love, I'd settle for seeing her skanky ass given the Big Brother Canada boot.
Edit: Big Brother Nerds has mentioned that this same twist was used in the Big Brother All Stars year and at that time it consisted of two HoHs that have to agree on the nominees. If the two HoHs can't agree THEY become the nominees! Oh I hope Gary and Alec win and can't come to an agreement! Bahahaha.
Tom Reminds Me of Another Awesome Player
While I watched the awesomeness that was Tom on Big Brother Canada he reminded me of another awesome player from my Team Fortress 2 days... ChoZo :D
Tom's Interview with Stars Entertainment
Tom granted an exit interview to StarsEntertainment.com the day after the Double Eviction.
Want to Own a Piece of Big Brother History?
Just thought I'd give all you fellow Tom fans a heads up that Tom is selling his Big Brother Canada bag on Ebay, with %50 of the proceeds going toward Breast Cancer research. (Well, it says charity but I've gotta assume that it's the one near and dear to his heart)
Edit: Tom has revealed the charity to be The University of Alberta Children's Hospital. a place he had surgery at when he was young. But Cancer still sucks too so buy the bag AND donate to the Canadian Cancer Society! :D Looking on Google the only children's hospital I see there is the Stollery Children's hospital, I'll try to confirm with Tom and put a link up ASAP.
Edit 2: Confirmed, the charity is the Stollery Children's hospital at the University of Alberta. Click here if you'd like to make a donation. Or just bid on the bag. :D
Edit: Tom has revealed the charity to be The University of Alberta Children's Hospital. a place he had surgery at when he was young. But Cancer still sucks too so buy the bag AND donate to the Canadian Cancer Society! :D Looking on Google the only children's hospital I see there is the Stollery Children's hospital, I'll try to confirm with Tom and put a link up ASAP.
Edit 2: Confirmed, the charity is the Stollery Children's hospital at the University of Alberta. Click here if you'd like to make a donation. Or just bid on the bag. :D
I wish I didn't have such a bad case of poor because I'd love to buy this. Anyway, I highly encourage all you Tom fans out there to bid this this up into the stratosphere not just because you love Tom but because you hate cancer!
In honor of Tom's gesture and my hatred of Cancer (Which took my sister from us, I miss you Jen.) I'm putting a donation button to the Canadian Cancer Society at the very top of the right sidebar. Simply click on it and then donate whatever you can.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Liza Explains Why She Voted to Evict Emmett on the Murtz Jaffer Show
One of the biggest storylines inside the Big Brother Canada house after the first eviction was who the one vote in the 11-1 ousting of Kat was. Everyone speculated, Gary tried to protect himself with Emmett by vowing to find out who it was, but no one figured out it was Liza. (Although I seem to recall her admitting to it much later to either Jillian or Peter in the main bedroom much later in the game, if anyone has video of it hook me up in the comments.)
We also learn from Tom's answer and the subsequent discussion that the whole house was wanting to keep Emmett from the time Suzette nominated he and Tom. As an independent thinker Liza didn't like being told what to do and thus focused her attention on Tom, what's interesting about that is that is in this answer we pretty much discover the catalyst that eventually created their nomance. So I inadvertently got two great answers for the price of one. :)
Big Brother never asked Liza why she did it and I was always curious about it, was it personal with Emmett WAY back then or was it just a strategic move to create distrust in the house?
I asked Liza on Twitter but I'm sure she gets like 10 billion tweets a day so I'm not surprised I didn't get a reply, but thankfully Murtz Jaffer picked my question (and even complimented it as a good one!) and asked Liza and Tom. Thanks Murtz!
So, it wasn't either or. It was both! lol. I thought it was a great move though, and I think everyone dissing Liza as not being intelligent should take notes. (Though I personally think it's uptight women who are jealous of her)
We also learn from Tom's answer and the subsequent discussion that the whole house was wanting to keep Emmett from the time Suzette nominated he and Tom. As an independent thinker Liza didn't like being told what to do and thus focused her attention on Tom, what's interesting about that is that is in this answer we pretty much discover the catalyst that eventually created their nomance. So I inadvertently got two great answers for the price of one. :)
Sunday, March 24, 2013
New Feature: Big Brother Canada Zingbot 3000
As I mentioned in my Dan Geesling post I'm new to Big Brother so I'm discovering the history of this wonderful game one day at a time (and man have I had plenty of time to do so during this boring week. YEESH!)
Today I learned about the Zingbot 3000.
What a hilarious idea that was. LOL. So in honor of the Zingbot 3000 I've started my own version on the blog. You can find it down at the bottom of any page. If you'd like to submit a ZING! yourself simply put it in the comment section for this post. The best will be immortalized in the Zingbot 3000 section.
Today I learned about the Zingbot 3000.
What a hilarious idea that was. LOL. So in honor of the Zingbot 3000 I've started my own version on the blog. You can find it down at the bottom of any page. If you'd like to submit a ZING! yourself simply put it in the comment section for this post. The best will be immortalized in the Zingbot 3000 section.
Murtz Jaffer's Interview with Tom (Video)
Murtz Jaffer had a one on one with Tom after his eviction.
Hello Jojo342!
So I'm checking the stats for the site when I see a new in link from livejournal. I haven't seen this one before so I follow it back to a site that had so many animated gifs it almost gave me a seizure and find this prize in the comments.
But the more important thing is did you guys catch the delicious irony there? Jojo342 attempts to insult me by claiming that I'm a homosexual, implying that if I was it would somehow be a bad thing, and then in the next sentence criticizes me because I'm supposedly a homophobe...
When I read this I actually stood up from my computer desk and slow clapped...
This level of stupid you just don't see every day folks! So I'd like to congratulate Jojo342 and their compatriots for helping me demonstrate just how fucking moronic the anti Tom crowd is. Well done people, and keep up the dumb as shit work!
I came across this by looking at Tom's twitter mentions and I am fucking D.Y.I.N.G. I seriously cannot. What kind of repressed homosexual makes a Tom fan blog I don't even know.Good thing all the Tom haters out there are so against bullying or I might have thought Jojo342 was trying to insult me. Then this genius chooses to highlight this quote of ALL quotes from my blog.
Oh, and I want to address any assholes out there who think I hate Gary cuz he's gay: One of my best friends is Gay, and I showed him a video of Gary and even HE hated him.
dying this blog is my life force right now.Then the rest of the idiots there agree I must be a homophobe because I hate Gary. Totally ignoring the fact I like Aneal, who is also gay, and even said my favorite non-Tom moment was from Aneal. But yeah, I'm a homophobe.
But the more important thing is did you guys catch the delicious irony there? Jojo342 attempts to insult me by claiming that I'm a homosexual, implying that if I was it would somehow be a bad thing, and then in the next sentence criticizes me because I'm supposedly a homophobe...
See I criticized animated gifs before and now I'm using one, showing Jojo342-like intelligence! |
The Legend That is Dan Gheesling
I'm a Big Brother n00b, I started watching because one of the current houseguests (Andrew) is a distant acquaintance of mine (He works at my former job)
My first Big Brother experience was channel surfing and stumbling upon the insanely hot, delicious Rachel Reilly. As a guy with a thing for voluptuous Redheads let's just say that she got my attention.
Holy fuck do I know who he is now. I can't say he's the best player in Big Brother history, but I can't imagine anyone being better at just bald face lying to people so many times, and they know they can't trust him but somehow he makes them anyway. It's so surreal. And then the videos got to The Funeral... Wow... I mean, damn. While I like the majority of players on Big Brother Canada none of them, not even my favorite Peter or the subject of this blog: Tom can hold a candle to this guy. They aren't worthy of carrying this guy's jock strap. (Sorry Tom, still love ya bro!)
Anyway, if you're a Big Brother fan who hasn't seen this yet for some reason or a n00b like me get comfy and ENJOY. I'll give you a warning I didn't get though, once you've watched this you'll probably have watched the best ever Big Brother player playing his best ever game. (Like I said he got totally robbed) It's all downhill from here.
My first Big Brother experience was channel surfing and stumbling upon the insanely hot, delicious Rachel Reilly. As a guy with a thing for voluptuous Redheads let's just say that she got my attention.
Sorry, what was I saying? |
Anyway, as a result I'm not really up on Big Brother history. I don't like watching early Big Brother because the video quality was so shitty back then, so I figured I'd start with the most recent season. While I was stumbling through some BB14 Google results I came upon a series of youtube videos showing all of Dan Gheesling's biggest moments from Season 14. As all of you who watch Big Brother Canada know Dan had appeared on an early episode but I had no idea who he was.
Holy fuck do I know who he is now. I can't say he's the best player in Big Brother history, but I can't imagine anyone being better at just bald face lying to people so many times, and they know they can't trust him but somehow he makes them anyway. It's so surreal. And then the videos got to The Funeral... Wow... I mean, damn. While I like the majority of players on Big Brother Canada none of them, not even my favorite Peter or the subject of this blog: Tom can hold a candle to this guy. They aren't worthy of carrying this guy's jock strap. (Sorry Tom, still love ya bro!)
Dan Conjures the Funeral. |
It so pissed me off that that snotty little Ian punk ended up winning the season. What a bunch of sore-loser asshole jurors. I thought for sure with all the defending Dan's actions Britney did that she would have voted for Dan, but in the end nah let's vote for Nerd Nerguson...
Anyway, if you're a Big Brother fan who hasn't seen this yet for some reason or a n00b like me get comfy and ENJOY. I'll give you a warning I didn't get though, once you've watched this you'll probably have watched the best ever Big Brother player playing his best ever game. (Like I said he got totally robbed) It's all downhill from here.
Future Spoiler Handling + Current Week Spoilers
Example: The New HoH is: *******ANEAL!*******
So when you highlight the text with your mouse you'll see the new HoH in this example case is Aneal.
For those of you who, like me, enjoy spoilers you can find posts containingn them by clicking the Spoilers tag in the right sidebar. To preserve the spoilers unlike normal posts where I tag every houseguest I talk about Spoiler posts will ONLY have the Spoilers tag.
Now, to test this bad boy out the current week's info is as follows.
HoH: ******* Alec *******
Nominees: ******* Suzette (Target) + AJ (Pawn) *******
POV Winner: ******* Emmett (Does not plan to use) *******
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