Tom in better days. |
So, it looks like as I feared may happen Gary has broken his word with Tom and put him and Liza up on the block. I can't say I'm surprised, so far Tom seems to be the only one in the house that actually keeps his word, just ask Andrew who would have been evicted Thursday if he hadn't. I have to admit, Topaz you had me completely fooled, as you seem to have had everyone fooled. But the good news is now you're on their radar. If there's any justice in the world (Which I know first hand there isn't) Gary would be evicted in the 2nd eviction this week and I'd get to see the look on her snake face when her husband's sorry ass is thrown out the door.
Alec has won the Power of Veto and from what I've heard him tell Gary won't use it on Tom. He lied to Tom and told him that Gary threatened to put Peter up if Alec used the POV. So much for Quattro Alec... Tom did put a target on his back but he never betrayed you like you're betraying him. Hope it's worth it buddy.
Of course none of this should have happened, the PowerSHIT was (and still is) a horrible idea and has completely changed the balance of power in the house, but hey it got ratings so who gives a fuck right? Why would Tom want to stay when the producers basically bent him over and fucked him up the ass with no lube? Emmett should be HoH right now but the whiners got their way, and then the hypocrites totally ignored Gary cheating to win his HoH. Because, as I've said already Emmettgate had nothing to do with cheating and everything to do with fucking an ally of Tom.
So it looks like the Tom haters are going to get their way. Probably on an 8-1 vote with Emmett being the lone dissenter. Congratulations shitheads, you'll have evicted a guy who keeps his word at the hands of a guy who didn't. But you assholes don't give a shit right? You'll persecute Tom until the end of time because he's sooooooo full of himself. Yeah, so full of himself he saved a guy he doesn't like, Gary, from the block and felt like his guts had been ripped out when he had to put Aneal on the block...
All I can hope for now is for the house to flip and for Liza to go, as much as I love Liza Tom is the stronger competitor and more likely to be able to exact revenge. In completely unrelated news I'm going to buy a lottery ticket...
Tom, I hope when you get out and you see all the seething, unfair hatred coming from Canada you'll find this blog and discover that there are those of us out there, while unfortunately in the minorty, who think you were a good guy and a Hell of a competitior. Hopefully you can have a Rachel Reillyesque rising from the ashes and we'll get to see you on BBCan again.
This blog will continue regardless of the outcome.
Edit: After I posted this last night I learned that Gary has been telling Tom and the house that Liza is the target when in fact his target is Tom. What a fuckin pussy this guy is, doesn't even have the courage to tell Tom he's the target like Tom did with Suzette. They want to blind side him, for what reason I don't know. POV is over it's not like Tom can do anything about it now... What a bunch of fuckin cowards.
Edit 2: Wow... now Gary and Topaz are plotting to blame all this on Emmett. I wish Canada could feel the loathing I feel for these two.
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