Saturday, March 23, 2013

My Favorite Non-Tom Moment so Far

I talk about Tom a lot on this blog, I think it might have something to do with the thing being NAMED after him, that and he's so fuckin awesome.

But, My favorite moment of Big Brother Canada so far didn't involve Tom at all. It's a popular one out there but I figured I'd share it anyway because it still makes me laugh to this day.

I'm of course talking about Aneal's master glitter plan to get people pissed at Gary. This deception plan was so well conceived the people who came up with Operation Fortitude just sat in a corner by themselves mumbling incoherently about how they've been topped, sobbing into their beers.

I mean, I hate Gary. I can NOT stand the guy. I must admit he did grow on me a little bit until he fuckin broke his word and backstabbed Tom. Now I hope he gets hit by a bus when he walks out of the Big Brother house, and his eviction is one of the few reason I'm still going to watch the rest of this season now that The Hurta from Alberta is gone. If Gary ends up winning this game I'm going to shove a power drill in my skull.

Anyway, here's the moment. (I also love Liza's 'up my ass' comment. This is the moment I knew she was awesome)

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