Friday, March 14, 2014

This week's poll: Who's your LEAST favorite houseguest?

To the right of the page there's a poll (MOBILE USERS: TO VOTE CLICK HERE.) in which all of the remaining houseguests have been listed. This week's poll is who your LEAST favorite of them is.

For me, it's pretty hard since I hate most of this season's cast. It was a tough decision between Andrew and Sabrina, but in the end Andrew's douchiness made him win by a nose, that and the fact he was all over Allison as soon as she got into the house. Vom. Please Allison, I know you're intelligent. PLEASE See through this jackass.

Sabrina I can't stand #1 because she's in looooooooooooove with Andrew and Kenny. #2 because she's a drama queen, and #3 because she can't be trusted by anyone. She's so skeezy I feel like I need to get tested for STIs whenever I look at her. But like I said, my vote went to Andrew.

So that's my opinion, express yours in the comments and in the poll.

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