Friday, March 22, 2013

Calgary Herald Interview With Tom

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Personal Note: Excellent Interview, best I've seen so far.
It’s only 8 a.m. Calgary time, the morning after the night Tom Plant was evicted from the Big Brother Canada house, and the firefighter/bartender is already caught up on what’s being said about him.
“Yeah, I heard that,” Plant says when asked about his not always positive depiction on the Slice reality series that documents a group of Canadians competing in total lockdown with no contact with the outside world. He’s making the rounds from Toronto, giving a whirlwind of interviews to media outlets across the country.
He lasted 29 days in the purpose-built BBC house that is blanketed with video cameras and microphones. but was at a disadvantage from the start. The first day in the house, Suzette nominated him for eviction, along with his best bud, Emmett. They escaped the block, but not even being the founding member of Quatro, the dominant force in the house (made up of Tom, Emmett, Alec and Peter), could save Tom in the end. He was evicted from the house on Thursday night, in an 8-1 vote, with Emmett casting the sole vote to keep Tom.
The Albertan’s “no-mance showmance” with Liza played a large part in his ousting, as his boys didn’t trust the Torontonian, who played a smart game, perhaps too smart for her own good, as she was also evicted on Thursday’s episode. I had a quick chat with the Calgary-born, Edmonton-based 25-year-old, who wanted to make sure to give a big shout out to Calgary. “It’s where my heart is,” he says with much of his family living here.
Question: It’s your first day out of the house. How’s it been?
Answer: Today has been so positive. Leaving the house, I just felt so upset. Today has been truly amazing. It is just so exciting that people know who I am and that they are proud of who I am.
Q: I talked to Danielle about her concern about how she portrayed on the show. Did that factor into what went done in the house?
A: Definitely. In the house, you think about what you look like to the real world. I thought about it, about how people would view me. But I told myself it didn’t matter if I was being real, if I was being who I really am, inside the house, it didn’t matter what people thought. Because jealousy is love at the same time, so when people think these things about you, it doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t have an effect on me.
Q: It seems that you played a much more emotionally driven game than you were intending on:
A: I would definitely agree with that. My game was very emotionally driven. I wanted to play with my integrity. I definitely have to be real. Right when I walked in the house, I got put up on the block. Originally, I didn’t want to be such a stronger competitor. I just wanted to feel everyone out. But I had to say to myself, the first night I went into the house, I figured ‘You know what? I’m going to be competitive. And if I leave this house as a fighter, that’s the way I want to leave.
Q: Quatro, on the surface, seemed like a good move.
A: From the outside looking in, and from the inside myself, I thought the Quatro alliance was bulletproof. It literally imploded from the inside due to Peter and Alec’s own personal insecurities.
Q: Did you know about their secret alliance?
A: No, I did not know about their own personal, secret alliance between the two of them.
Q: How did your relationship with Liza factor into it?
A: Honestly, she was my calming agent throughout the game. She was the person who got me the most, who understands me for who I am in the game. I never talked at her, it was always with her. It was good conversation always. It was just very easy to take time away from the game. It was like an escape . . . It felt like we were out on a patio somewhere. She definitely played a big part in keeping me from blowin’ a gasket on certain people in the house.
Q: We’re on the outside watching it and we can leave. How much pressure is there being in the house?
A: When you’re in the house for 24 hours a day, people only see three hours a week. And you’re in there 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is pressure. You are seeing these people all day, and the littlest thing of someone burping or farting or someone just being disgusting or not cleaning up after a mess or not brushing their teeth in the morning or the way they leave the bathroom or their hair everywhere. Just the littlest thing can really get on your nerves in the house. And you really have to sit back and chill. ‘I’m on Big Brother Canada and it’s a wonderful experience, so I just have to go with it.’
Q: If you could go back to Day One when you walked into the house, what would you do differently?
A: I would have picked up that phone when it rang instead of Suzette, and I would have been HoH and I would have put Gary and Suzette up on the block in the very beginning. It would have been a totally different game.
Q: Who has the best shot of taking it?
A: Not the person I would want to win the game. Honestly, I would say that Peter has the best shot of winning the game.
Q: And who do you want to win the game? (We already know this one, but have to ask, right?)
A: I 100 percent want my boy Emmett to win the game. He deserves it way more than Peter. Emmett is one heck of a guy. I definitely want him to come out to Calgary with me. Take him for night out, maybe a Flames game.
Q: Oh, the Flames aren’t going to be playing much longer.
A: I heard! I am so disappointed. What are we going to do?
Q: What do you want to people to know about you, because honestly, you did not get the most positive portrayal on the show.
A: It’s not the first time I’m hearing that, believe me. Positively? I just want people to realize that I was really the only person in that game that did not lie, that played with full integrity and I kept my morals. People need to understand that it is very hard in that situation to stay true to yourself and I kept faith and was strong and I stayed true to who I am. For people who may have a negative view on me, they don’t know me and they don’t need to know me. For my family and friends in Alberta . . . I just hope they appreciate me for being an Alberta boy who stayed true to his word and did not cheat and who is coming home proud.
Q: What did you learn about yourself from this experience?
A: No matter how perfect you think things are going, anything can change at any given second. You can hit rock bottom tomorrow. That is truly how I felt in the house. I felt super high, then really down low in the matter of a week. You really just have to stay true to yourself because you never know what’s going to happen.

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