Friday, March 15, 2013


Greetings Tom fans! What's that? You didn't think Tom had any fans? Well you're wrong Sally HE DOES and I'M ONE OF THEM!

Tom has gotten a bad rap from day one on BBCan and I'm sick of it, so I'm fighting back with this blog. I invite you to join me. I also invite all the Tom haters to come and comment on my posts so us Tom fans can laugh at how stupid you are, don't be shy!

WHY do I think Tom is awesome? Let me count the ways. He's the best physical competitor in the house, he's honest, (or at least what passes for honest in a Big Brother house) he keeps his word whenever he can, (He could have used last night's twist to his advantage and evict Andrew, but he said he couldn't because he gave him his word) he keeps his cool when he's provoked, (i.e. Suzette calling him a fucking redneck) he's loyal to his allies, he's a gentleman to his girl, Liza, he has a great sense of humour, he accepted Suzette's apology after she slandered him on national television! (Mother of God if that had have been me I would have told her to drop dead.) He loves his Mom (who's going through breast cancer which I can relate to as I lost my sister to Cancer) I mean I think he's a good guy! People on the net talk about him like he's Hitler's evil nephew who even Hitler was like "God, that kid is so evil it makes me sick." and I'm sick of it!

Is Tom perfect? FUCK NO! He's full of himself and cocky, and gets a bit too amed up at times but he's young. How many of us 30+ somethings were pillars of society at his age? Tom's not even my favorite houseguest, Peter is. But the attacks on Tom pissed me off so much I created this blog.

As for this blog it's not going to be simply a Tom based blog, it'll also be my opinions about Big Brother Canada, which in the end are the only ones that matter.

In conclusion, I'm right about Tom and you whiny bitches who don't like him are wrong. Quattro FTW bitches!

Class dismissed.

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