Sunday, March 24, 2013

New Feature: Big Brother Canada Zingbot 3000

As I mentioned in my Dan Geesling post I'm new to Big Brother so I'm discovering the history of this wonderful game one day at a time (and man have I had plenty of time to do so during this boring week. YEESH!)

Today I learned about the Zingbot 3000.

What a hilarious idea that was. LOL. So in honor of the Zingbot 3000 I've started my own version on the blog. You can find it down at the bottom of any page. If you'd like to submit a ZING! yourself simply put it in the comment section for this post. The best will be immortalized in the Zingbot 3000 section.

1 comment:

billy w said...

Liza, Tom called he wants his balls back.. ZING!

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