Friday, April 5, 2013

Goodbye Glitter, and Good Riddance!

Though last night's show pretty much blew as a whole it did have the best moment yet on Big Brother Canada, coming in the form of the most self-absorbed, (don't just ask me either the HG were saying the same thing!) annoying and mean (Just ask Talla) houseguest being given the boot in a 5-0 vote.

Oh, I'd like to thank the moron producers for robbing me of a reaction shot when he heard he was going by keeping the camera on Topaz. I guess they've never heard of split screens at Big Brother Canada.

Anyway, this was my reaction when I saw that moron walk out the door.

I'll never get why people loved this guy SO MUCH. Maybe, MAYBE before his blow up on Talla showed his true colors. But after that? Really people? REALLY? You're cool with a 6+ foot dude assaulting a 4 foot nothing girl? And he never apologized either! People hate Tom, in no small part because of what he did to Alec in the shower, but once Tom found out just how upset Alec was he felt terrible and apologised to him. Gary? NAH who cares. It's not like Talla's a real person right?

Gary is a spoiled brat plain and simple, and the thought that once this is all over he's going to be made a star by all the sheeple out there makes me physically ill. If there were any justice in the world he'd disappear back into the obscurity from whence he came never to return. Gary is obnoxious and annoying and I pray to god the peabrains who run Big Brother Canada don't bring him back until the finale and then he vanishes in a cloud of glitter.

Don't come back now, ya hear?

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