Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tom's Instagram

So, I just noticed that Tom has an instagram. (ID: tomplant25) He's probably had it for a while but I'm completely observant. My ma used to tell me that I couldn't find the smell in a shithouse...

Anyway, I figured I'd peruse through it and comment on some of the pics he's got up there. Cuz hey, it's what I do, make smart ass comments about shit I find on the internet.

First up, Tom with one of the luckiest men on the planet, and the embodiment of said luck.

Being a big brother groupie, and having Rachel as my favorite big brother girl I'm so jealous looking at this picture there isn't a word known to mankind to describe the level of said jealousness, so I'm just going to invent one: Konlydoepad. It's a noun and it's pronounced CONE-LEE-DOE-PAD. I'm so Konlydoepad when I look at this picture! GRRRR! :D

This picture on the other hand makes me far less Konlydoepad. :D

Click the image. :)

That's all for today, more some other day!

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