Saturday, March 1, 2014

I'm Baaaaaaaack!

Dear friends, at the request of the man himself, Tom, I've decided to blog Big Brother Canada 2: The Search for Curly's Gold. You owe me Tom, I'm thinkin maybe Liza's digits are a fair payback.

Now, given my enormous worldwide reach and fame this must make the producers very happy. Almost as happy as the wet dream they had about rigging the game for Gary before Topaz fucked it up. BAHAHAHAHAH.Sorry I can't think about that without laughing.

First up, the new house. When I heard that they weren't going to be using the house from Season 1 I was so pissed, it was a fantastic house that I myself would live in, except for all the cameras. However I have to say the new house has a lot of character that the old house had and since I loved the old house I love the new house, except for the kitchen, blech! But I could live there with Liza and Jillian no problem. :D

If you haven't seen the new house yet check out the pics here.

I'll start posting more frequently when the game starts, including a return to my world famous BBCan on Facebook, with lots and lots of appearances by Tom, Tom's Ego and Tom's Integrity!

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