Saturday, March 23, 2013

Alec is the new HoH

Not thrilled about this, because it basically means another week of fuckin Topaz...

As much as I hate Topaz I love this pic of her. :D

But, it could be worse: It could be Gary, and another week of his glittery idiocy. Word is the nominees are going to be Suzette and AJ with Suzette being the target. For a guy who hated Tom so much he's making almost exactly the same play Tom did...

I'm listening to Peter and Alec talk as I type this and they're talking about getting rid of Topaz right after she left the room. Bahahahahaha, as much as I dislike Alec I dislike Topaz more.

In other news I started a hashtag on Twitter that a lot of people really seemed to enjoy. #TheFeedsAreDownBecause (They were down for 32+ hours!) But they came back up before we could get it to trend. :( Oh well.

A pic of my glory.

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