Thursday, March 13, 2014

Big Brother Canada - Fun With Photoshop

I love photoshop, it's one of my great passions because it allows me to use both my creativity and my sense of humor.

Thus, a new segment here on Tom Plant Rules, fun with photoshop. Enjoy. :)


I saw a video from the feeds where Sarah was screaming at Ika because Ika ate a potato, this became known in the Big Brotherverse as "Potatogate" so I created this, to the tune of "Signs" by Five Man Electrical Band.


 With the feeds being down so much on Big Brother Canada last year I came up with a hashtag: #TheFeedsAreDownBecause that was a lot of fun. This year, I added an image to illustrate my point.


 In response to the episode where everyone was comparing Paul to the Godfather...


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