Thursday, March 28, 2013

I've Received the Ultimate Endorsement

As all of you know I'm the author of Big Brother Canada on Facebook, where I create Facebook chats featuring all the characters from Big Brother Canada and more.

Well, tonight I got the ultimate endorsement.

I always said Tom had a great sense of humor, it's nice to know he can accept a little fun being poked at his expense, I think evidence like this pokes holes in the Tom is an arrogant asshole argument people seem to want to make.

If any of the other subjects of these chats ever read this please know it's all in good fun, and a lot of times I only create the characters based on what I see in public perception. For example, I personally don't view Liza's openness about her sexuality as a bad thing, in fact it's one of the things that turns me on the most about her, but the public reaction to her viewed it as a bad thing so in the chats she's a complete whore. And I certainly don't think Andrew is an alcoholic but the public like caricatures and I'm writing a Facebook chat for public consumption so I have to bend to their will.

There are times when I inject my own opinion into the cartoon, such as how I thought the Powershift was a shitty twist or how I think Dan Gheesling is better than Dr. Will but hey I'm the author so I can exercise artistic license.

Anyway, Thanks Tom, you made my day. And thanks for not being mad. lol. Hope you enjoy the rest of my chats just as much.

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